In case you were wondering what that murmuring of excitement around the country has been today, let me explain its cause… there's a new Men Only on the shelves! That's right, another month has flown by, which means that it's time for a newssagent near you to be stocking a spanking new selection selection of succulent snatch!
And once again we reckon we've put together something for just about everyone, with the luscious Heather and Giovanna catering to those who like a bit of stocking-tops on their strumpets, while out-and-out boob-lovers will have more than their hands full trying to get to grips with Laura and top UK porn interviewee Carmel Moore. And just in case you're feeling a little under the weather, Sister Dora will give you a shot of just what the doctor ordered! A bit more of that sort of thing on the NHS and the government could surely put its electoral worries long behind it. Enjoy!