Time certainly flies when you spend your days editing the country's toppermost nudie mag, and here we are again, with another stonking issue of Club hitting the shelves today just in time to replace that worn out copy you've been nursing along for the last few weeks!
The first think you'll probably notice about the latest issue is the fact that (if you're a UK reader) you'll be getting a bonus DVD on the front, featuring the charms of numerous filthy young ladies… including our recent guest Editor Boroka – so if you fancy a bit of that (and who wouldn't?) then yuo know where to go.
Aside from that, of course, the mag itself is crammed full of all the stunning you've come to expect from Club, with covergirl and centrespread Crystal Klein setting a typically high benchmark for the others to try and match. But match it they do, with the likes of Fran, blonde newbie Natalie and saucy Reader's Girlfriend Aideen all chipping in to make this issue another memorable one!